

みなさん、こんにちは! 日本では早くも梅雨の訪れの気配があるようですね…。そんな中、ジメジメした空気を吹き飛ばすようなニュースを、L.A.からお届け! 実は、このほど私はプロデュースのお手伝いをしている「Jammin for Japan」というチャリティ・イベントのため、5日間東京に滞在することになりました。

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【ハリウッドより愛をこめて】「Jammin for Japan」
【ハリウッドより愛をこめて】「Jammin for Japan」 全 1 枚
みなさん、こんにちは! 日本では早くも梅雨の訪れの気配があるようですね…。そんな中、ジメジメした空気を吹き飛ばすようなニュースを、L.A.からお届け! 実は、このほど私はプロデュースのお手伝いをしている「Jammin for Japan」というチャリティ・イベントのため、5日間東京に滞在することになりました。

そのイベントは、5月20日(金)午後に社交クラブ「Tokyo American Club」で開かれ、東日本大震災への義援金を集めることを目的としています。その夜、ヒップホップグループの「Arrested Development」のリーダー・Speechにメインパフォーマーを務めてもらうことになりました。「Arrested Development」を知らない方のために簡単にご紹介すると、彼らは1992年頃から日本でも人気を集め、多くのファンを築き上げてきました。また長年にわたり、Speechは何度も日本を訪れているため、数多くの友人もおり、彼にとって日本は特別な存在なのです。

だから東日本大震災のニュースを聞いて、彼のマネージャーが即座に私に「何か私たちに助けてあげられることはないでしょうか?」と電話をくれました。それから約2か月が経ち、ついに私たちは東京に到着し、Speechはチャリティ・イベントに登場します! それはもう、とても楽しみです。実は数年前、InterFMの番組で彼にインタビューをする機会があったのですが、とっても素晴らしい方で、そのときは「Arrested Development」のデビューアルバムで、グラミー賞2部門を獲得したときのことを話してくれました。さらに、世界中を旅して行ってきた音楽活動の経験から得たものについても多く語ってくれました。だからきっと、今回のイベントも日本のみなさんに素晴らしいショーを届けてくれることでしょう!



また、このイベントは無料で開放しているので、興味がある方はぜひ来てください。そしてぜひ、新しくなった「Tokyo American Club」を見に来てください! みなさんにお会いできることを楽しみにしてます。負けるな、ニッポン!!


HI everyone!!!! It seems like the rain has arrived a bit early in the Japan skies??? Well, I have good news...I am bringing the sunshine with me from LA!
I will be arriving in Tokyo next week and will be staying for about five days. I am going to be coming to Japan for a charity event that I am helping to produce called "Jammin for Japan".

It will be held at the brand new Tokyo American Club on the evening of 5/20, and it is going to be an event to raise money for the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami relief efforts. I have booked Speech, the leader of the band Arrested Development, to be the main performer of the night. In case you don't know...ever since Arrested Development first became popular in Japan in 1992 or so, they have earned a pretty large fanbase in Japan. And over the years, Speech has traveled to Japan many times, so he has many friends in Japan and the country holds a very special place in his heart.

So after the earthquake and tsunami first happened, his manager contacted me, asking if there was some way that they could help...and now about a month later, we will be headed to Tokyo and he will be performing at the charity event! I am very excited about this. I had the opportunity to interview him quite a few years back on my InterFM show, and he was a wonderful guest. He talked a bit about winning two Grammys with Arrested Development's debut album, and also talked about some of the experiences that he has had over the years through his traveling and playing music.
So I am sure that he will put on a great show for everyone at the event!

Another artist that I asked to be a part of the event is John Nuzzo, who is a well-known tenor opera singer. He divides his time between New York and Europe and Japan. He went to international school in Tokyo, just like me. And when he found out about the earthquake and tsunami, he was absolutely devastated. Ever since then, he has been going around to many of the towns that have been damaged, and has been performing for everyone to help lift their spirits. So I thought he would also be a great addition to the team. And he is also very excited about being a part of the event.

I understand that it is now almost two months after what happened, and much of the world might be turning their attention to the "next big disaster". BUT there are a large core of us that will be here to help with the rebuilding and want to make sure that Japan continues to stay in people's minds.In fact, I am right now thinking about taking a team of bilingual "international school kids" from Tokyo and volunteering for about a month or so later on this year.And I want to document the process and maybe even make it into a film or something... so I am going to start thinking about that and how to make it happen! Any readers that might have ideas, PLEASE let me know!!

Meanwhile if you can come to the event, it is open to the public. So you can come and see the brand new Tokyo American Club!!! Hope to see you there! Keep up hope and stay strong!

《text:Lisle Wilkerson》


