みなさん、こんにちは! 日本のみなさんはきっと過ごしやすい秋の気候を楽しんでいることでしょう。ところ変わってロサンゼルはまだ信じられないほど「ホット」です! 実際にこの夏は異常な暑さでした。秋らしくなるのが待ち遠しいです。

「ホット」と言えば(これがこの記事のキーワードでもあります…!)、“TV版アカデミー賞”とも言われているエミー賞が先日開催されました! そして今年、私は取材のためレッドカーペットとイベントのプレスルームに潜入することができたのです。とても興奮する現場でしたよ! まずはレッドカーペットでしたが…とにかく外はすごく暑かったので、熱中症で倒れる記者続出でしたよ。
ご存じかもしれませんが、今年の注目は“政治”で、「HOMELAND」(原題)や「ゲーム・チェンジ 大統領選を駆け抜けた女」など、政治をテーマにした番組が多くの賞を獲得しました。コメディ部門に関しては、今年も「モダン・ファミリー」が独占していました。
レッドカーペットにいた間、私は初めてのレッドカーペットを歩いていたベン・フェルドマン(ドラマ部門「ゲスト男優賞」ノミネート)のような何人かの受賞候補者と話をする機会がありました。ベンは「マッドメン」でペギー(エリザベス・モス演じるメイン・キャラクター)の同僚である早口な役柄で賞にノミネートされていました。彼は「『マッドメン』のキャストと仕事をするなんてまるで夢のようだ! ノミネートされたことすら信じられないくらい光栄なのに、受賞できるわけないよ」と私に話しました。ちなみに、新シーズンで彼のキャラクターはどうなるのかと尋ねたら、「ぼくだってまだ分からないんだよ!」と笑っていました。新情報をゲットできず、残念!
ほかには、ルーシー・リュー(アメリカでシャーロック・ホームズをベースにした新しいTV番組の撮影の準備に取りかかっているようです)を始めとする、ジョン・ハム、クリスティーナ・ヘンドリックス、トム・ハンクス、リタ・ウィルソン、ハイディ・クルム、そしてマイケル・J・フォックスのほか何人かのセレブたちから“日本へのメッセージ”をもらうことができましたよ。そして「HOMELAND」(いま、私のお気に入りのテレビ番組の一つなんです!)と「Hatfields and McKoys」(原題)のキャスト数人にもインタビューすることができ、興味深い話を聞くことができました。エミー賞にノミネートされたBBCの番組、「SHERLOCK/シャーロック」の2大俳優、ベネディクト・カンバーバッジとマーティン・フリーマンと話をする機会もありましたよ。
Hi everyone!! I hope you are enjoying the lovely fall weather!! Over here in Los Angeles, it is still incredibly HOT!!! In fact this summer has been very unusually HOT weather. So I am VERY excited about things cooling down!
Speaking of HOT (this will be the keyword during this article!!!!), this past weekend was, of course, the "Academy Awards" of television...The Emmys!!! And this year I was at the red carpet and press room throughout the event, covering it for AXN Channel. And It was quite exciting!!! First of all...the weather was SO HOT during the red carpet that quite a few of the reporters,etc. fainted from heat exhaustion!! YIKES!
I found it quite fascinating because all the celebs that you would expect to be at the Academy Awards or something were at the Emmys this year...stars like Tom Hanks, Nicole Kidman, Kevin Costner, Lucy Lui, etc. But I guess that just goes to show that right now TELEVISION is the HOT commodity.
In fact many times during speeches backstage at the press room, the Emmy winners talked about how television is in a Golden Age right now, and all the "interesting roles" are in t.v., not in film right now. So I guess that explains why so many of Hollywood's biggest names have recently been gravitating towards the small screen for work.
If you haven't heard, POLITICS seemed to be the HOT topic of the night...and shows that dealt in political themes such as "Homeland" and "Game Change" walked off with many of the awards. As far as comedy goes, the night belonged to "Modern Family" again this year.
While I was on the red carpet I had a chance to talk to some of the nominees such as Ben Feldman (nominated for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama) who was walking the red carpet for the first time. He received a nomination for his "fast talking" character in "Mad Men", who works alongside Peggy (main character Elisabeth Moss). And Ben talked about how working with the "Mad Men" cast has been a dream come true for him and how he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be winning the Emmy but that he felt so incredibly honored to even be nominated. When I asked him about clues on what is coming up for his character for the new season, he just laughed and said "Hey, I DON'T EVEN KNOW!! So there is nothing that I can really tell you there!"
Another recent addition to the cast of Mad Men that I had the opportunity to interview was Jessica Pare, who plays Megan (Jon Hamm's wife) on the show. And she was also so excited to be walking the red carpet for the first time and talked about how wonderful it was to be able to work with such an accomplished and humble actor like Jon Hamm.
Some of the other celebrities I managed to get to give a "shout out to Japan" on t.v. nclude include Lucy Lui (who is getting ready to start a new tv show here in the U.S. based on Sherlock Holmes), Jon Hamm, Christina Hendricks, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Heidi Klum and even Michael J Fox. I also got some pretty interesting interviews with the cast of "Homeland" (which is one of my favorite shows on television right now!!!) and "Hatfields and McKoys". And I had a wonderful time talking with the two stars of the Emmy nominated BBC show "Sherlock", Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
All in all it was a fantastic night and I was so happy to be able to be a part of such an incredible event!
《text:Lisle Wilkerson》
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