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レディー・ガガ-(C)Getty Images
レディー・ガガ-(C)Getty Images 全 6 枚

レディー・ガガは、「アラバマで中絶が禁止されたのは、非常に許しがたいこと。レイプ、近親相姦、合意のない行為(による妊娠)も考慮されないんだからなおさらよ。ということは、中絶手術を行う医師の方が、レイプ犯よりも重い罪を科せられるってわけ? とんだ茶番ね。このシステムのせいで被害を受けることになるすべての女性と少女たちに祈りを送るわ」とSNSで怒りをあらわにしている。



Last week, a bill was signed into law in Georgia that is a near-total ban on abortion. This marks the fourth “heartbeat” law to be passed in the United States in the last year - a name that is designed to be emotive. It refers to the first signs of the development of a heart in a fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy, long before most people know they are pregnant. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Georgia’s bill stands out for going one step further in including personhood language, criminalising not just abortion providers, but also pregnant people for having abortions or even miscarrying. Today, Alabama passed its own law banning abortion except when the health of the mother is at risk. We remember that Savita Halappanavar died in Ireland with the same law on the books. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Currently, women & pregnant people living in Northern Ireland are forced to travel to mainland Britain for abortion care that is illegal in their home country. There will always be people who cannot travel because of domestic violence, immigration status, and disability. People living in Northern Ireland and the USA deserve the dignity of accessing safe, legal & local reproductive healthcare at home. #nowforni These laws won't stop women and pregnant people from having abortions, or from making the best decision for their bodies and families, it will just mean they are forced to do so unsafely and with stigma. #reproductiverightsforall Please join me in supporting @plannedparenthood @ippf_global @womenhelporg @all4choice #abortionsupportnetwork ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Emma Watsonさん(@emmawatson)がシェアした投稿 -



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