
スーパーガールはワンダーウーマンと友達!? 2大女性ヒーローコラボ映像公開 2枚目の写真・画像

海外ドラマ スクープ

「SUPERGIRL/スーパーガール<セカンド・シーズン>」 (c) 2017 WBEI. SUPERGIRL and all related pre-existing characters and elements TM and (c) DC Comics based on characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joel Shuster. SUPERGIRL series and all related new characters and elements TM and (c) WBEI. All Rights Reserved.
「SUPERGIRL/スーパーガール<セカンド・シーズン>」 (c) 2017 WBEI. SUPERGIRL and all related pre-existing characters and elements TM and (c) DC Comics based on characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joel Shuster. SUPERGIRL series and all related new characters and elements TM and (c) WBEI. All Rights Reserved.


